Logos & Branding

Logos & Branding

A logo is a logo is a logo, right? Well, yes and no. A logo’s design does so much more than identify you, your organisation or your event. Logo design reflects personality. It speaks about tone, gravitas, warmth or fun. Sometimes it’s ultra-contemporary, occasionally deliberately traditional, cheeky or subliminal, serious or frivolous. Colour is important, of course, as is the typography used and the relationship between the two. Yes, a logo is so much more than just an icon.

Here at Red Giant we love designing logos from scratch or giving an existing brand identity a sometimes-much-needed makeover. But the way we see it, we’re not just creating a logo. We are helping you to enable others too interpret your brand. We are encouraging brand recognition, loyalty, association, distinction, respect.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to get too poncey about it, we’re just designing a logo… Do you need one?